Archive for the ‘FASHION’ Category

After spending the last glorious weekend of Summer upstate at the Ashram, back in NYC, I was up all night online and in my dog-eared Peterson Field Guide trying to ID a wildflower I saw.  Positive I was the only sleepless, Manhattan-ite soul awash in botanicals of this sort at that moment. Finally, identifying what […]

person who will wear this today was inspired by this pink cloud dawn this morning in this NYC place thing to put new bee pollen in a sugar shaker on silver top counter, in blue+white China bowl of apple juice with cinnamon

September. New York City. 2013. Life is just like this now. Grand Pagentry inside and out. Updates coming soon. In the meanwhile, please see two new pages of my latest styling work: STYLE: PEOPLE (before and AFTERS!) and STYLE: THINGS. See you soon! I promise! and…many thanks for following, supporting, cheering me on and the […]

It was a very Film Blanc et Noir winter fed by Netflixing my favorite old movie stars on cold nights. In narly 1950’s sandals and twinkling sunshine, I raced with Mama Sophia’s 10 kids on twisting strada di Napoli and later Ferrari whipped around Roma in Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. I flinged with Almodovar, stuck my nez in […]

“You think. You wink. You do a double blink. You close your eyes and …jump!” Summer’s End, 2012. “Mmm-aaa-gic,” I purred upon my recent float into the puffy cloud envelope of down comforter, dinner and the warm promise of my home’s hearth, the fire-red Netflix screen on my Ipad. My luxurious, “fluffy lamb” state was […]

spring is kickin’ up! In the country, fresh shoots of green sprouts packed with new beginnings and nutrients are like a delicious drug or tonic to animals, making lambs frolic and life bucolic. In the city, the busy schedules are balanced by more non-linear kicking and romping, experiencing the city in sweet warmer weather, more […]

One fine day, two people simultaneously searched in Google: “angry sex with my running partner in a café restroom.” “Hey Persephone, how can I find the holy grail?”   both queries which led to this very blog you are reading now. What people surf for in search of transcendance as we enter 2012 is not […]

“Growth for the sake of growth is the philosophy of the cancer cell.” – Edward Abbey “Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.” – the late eminent economist Kenneth Boulding. “When Saquasohuh, the Blue Star Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask before the unintiated, […]

On hot summer weekend family car trips, my sister and I were boxed, strapped in and propped up like child dolls on the pearlized olive green, poly-damask hinterlands, Grand Canyonesque landscape aka the backseat of the family Cadillac Eldorado, as its cushioned mass thrust fast forward, gliding at 70 plus miles per hour on the […]

When I was about 6 my mother gave me a book called “Somebody Came.” Supposedly a gift from my Grandfather, who had passed away 4 years prior, I took it like a gift from beyond, as it was a lushly illustrated story of a little girl and her Grandfather, the keeper of a bright green […]