Archive for the ‘STYLE’ Category

After spending the last glorious weekend of Summer upstate at the Ashram, back in NYC, I was up all night online and in my dog-eared Peterson Field Guide trying to ID a wildflower I saw.  Positive I was the only sleepless, Manhattan-ite soul awash in botanicals of this sort at that moment. Finally, identifying what […]

person who will wear this today was inspired by this pink cloud dawn this morning in this NYC place thing to put new bee pollen in a sugar shaker on silver top counter, in blue+white China bowl of apple juice with cinnamon

For the seeker of design, to shine and spiff up the abode for the coming cold, New York City’s inspirations are a wealth to draw from, no matter where you live. The vast array of “Made-in-NYC” choices can scream at the senses, maybe a bit like the riot of color above, a well-lit candy shop […]

Since everything is none other than exactly as it is one may as well just break out in laughter. Long Chen Pa All is Still. February. Indian Snow Moon. Valentine’s Day. In our igloo cocoons, our lives may seem like snow globes, we swim in bubbles of crystalized emotions, new-earnestly patterned seeds, or emerge into […]

Inspired by the International Contemporary Furniture Fair in New York City we put together NINE SELF-IMPORTANT SOUNDING CREDOS to consider when creating a brilliant interior.  I am joined by Michelle Barge, my partner with a passion for classic decor, a solid Sotheby’s background, and endless examples of Living The Nnnth Degree Life! and together we suggest the ultimate […]

Five Favorites Blogging is obsessive, egotistical, infanticidal and Oedipal.  One is ever viligante and immersed, tied to the desk like a naughty lover.  Then one day, you get the Bloggers’ Chain Letter and though faintly like the Plea from your Ugandan Uncle for Cash or the latest heaven-sent Money Angel…with this one you are forced […]

A bleg = blog + beg — i.e., using a blog to beg for information. Note: I beg here for what inspires YOU…MINIMAL OR MAXIMAL? GIve me silence, a white snowy expanse, an open infinity pool, a Rothko, a clear blue sky and sea and I am full or overstimulate me to the point of […]

  While judgment grows thick, while faith loses its choice, and while the people sit terrified, devouring their dinner, the media, and their feelings… there are those who do not allow good times to be by-gones, and instead, create. For the past ten years, the American culture has been driven by an obsession of luxury […]

Visionary Buckminster Fuller famously said, “I am not trying to imitate nature, I’m trying to find the principles she uses.” Come. If the “Design to Function” ratio of Nature is always brilliant, then we proclaim these four (plus ONE) playful and innovative inventors as MAGICIANS mixing the old principles of nature, simplicity, cooperation and synchronistic balance […]