Posts Tagged ‘Andreas von Scheele’

merkabah Merkabah means chariot. Any wheeled, winged thing like a car, throne, spinning geometric temple or basic-bio human body, it’s what takes us place to place. That little ringed thingy image above is a mystical merkabah fresco found in the St. John the Baptist Church in Macedonia. Anything can be a merkabah. In particular this month, […]

I did my third-grade grade book report on the I Ching. There I was tossing yarrow sticks for the children to access the esoteric but eminently practical ancient oracle from China, based on the same binary code pattern that computers run on. The I Ching is the Matrix of alignment with the seasons, the stars […]

I can trace 99% of any feminine anxiety and PMS I have ever felt to the first day of nursery school at the Jewish Community Center, when shown my cubby hole for storage with my name on it and a bright red, blazin’ firetruck as its emblem. My first ever “WTF” coursed through my tiny […]